Back to School Supplies for Baby and Toddler
Sosi Favs

Back to School Supplies

Baby to Toddler (Feeding) Edition

This September you may be going back to school yourself, sending off a little, or staying at home to raise your crew. Whatever your transition, Fall brings an itch to spend money doesn’t it? Well I am right there with ya! I have compiled a list of products that are worth every penny as they have lasted through my first, and now my second kidlet.

Does anyone else love going back to school shopping? I am totally one of those people who loves loading up on back to school supplies, even though I am no longer a student! The aisle with all the pencil crayons, markers, and pencils cases is literally my bread and diary-free butter. Now that I am a mom, I have expanded my back to school shopping to include items for my little ones. I am constantly hunting for the highest quality at the lowest price.

Feeding Your Little Ones

The following back to school supplies list includes items for feeding your little while at home, daycare, or preschool. If your little one is heading to daycare, the idea of having someone else feed them could be very overwhelming. Enter, the Baby Feeders.

Please make sure to follow all safety guidelines with each product. 

The Boon Pulp Silicone Feeder is BpA-free, Phthalate-free and PVC-free and super easy to use.  The recommended age: 6m+ so make sure to take this into consideration when purchasing. 

The Nuby Nibbler is great for age appropriate food and frozen snacks. Our little ones loved to chew on these when they were teething or experiencing sore gums.

For additional information and our experience with feeders please check out our Baby Led Weaning post.

Once your little one is old enough to start feeding themselves their own snacks, the Munchkin Snack Catcher is an absolute Klean kanteen + safety cupsanity saver!  At our house we call these, “safety cups” (a term coined by my husband), I think because it saves the floor and it is helps to keep the amount of snacks that get shovelled in, to a minimum.





These amazing, handmade bibs are rounding out this section today. These are soft, easy to clean, and incredibly adorable. The elastic neckline is a great shirt saver as nothing can sneak through while your child is eating. What I really like is when you remove these bibs they actually wipe as you remove, helping to make cleaning up a breeze.


Hydrating Your Little One

Screen Shot 2017-08-14 at 2.55.16 PMLearning to drink from a sippy cup can be a tricky transition for our babies or toddlers. We found the Munchkin 360 to be the best for both of our kids. Your little one needs to bite down on the lid and tip it to release the water inside. This eliminates the automatic dumping that occurs with traditional sippy cups that have straws or the uncovered little holes. However, you should be warned that when it falls from high heights (like a high chair), the water does still makes its way out of the lid. We use a soother clip and hook it to the chair to stop this from happening. Klean kanteen (1)

The Kleen Kanteen is our absolute favourite drinking cup for toddlers. It is made from food grade stainless steel, so no need to worry about BPA or other harmful plastic toxins. It is dishwasher safe which is also a bonus for the busy weekday nights. Ours has been used camping, picnicking, splash-padding, and everyday living and is still going strong.  We prefer this model over ones with straws because I really hate cleaning them. Even with those little, “cleaners” I am not convinced they really get that clean? But I also wash my hands 800 times a day and should probably have stocks in cleaning strength vinegar.

Enjoy these last few weeks of summer and if you need any peanut free and milk free lunch and snack ideas; check out our 1 Toddler, 10 Easy Lunches. 

Back to School Supplies for Baby and Toddler
The best baby products for feeding, hydrating, and covering. Toddler supplies for eating, drinking, and covering. Toddler meals made easier. Baby feeding for traditional eaters.

53 thoughts on “Back to School Supplies”

  1. We’ve tried that Munchkin cup and my little guy can’t get the hang of it! It’s brilliant, though! I love that it teaches little ones how to drink out of a real cup!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My baby is 10weeks now and he doesn’t put anything other than my nipple or his little fingers in his mouth, he refused the pacifier. I’ll bookmark this for when he starts accepting the bottle. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You certainly aren’t alone in love back to school supplies. I too stock up whenever possible. I really need to invest in one of the munchkin snack savers. At least when my little drops it on the ground I will have more of an opportunity to pick it up before the dog eats all his food!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. First time mom here. Glad to see your post of a list of stuff for babies. Cuz I have no idea what brand to buy. My baby is turning 6month soon. I can’t wait to try to get those silicon feeders.

    Liked by 1 person

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